Oh, Inspiration. How I love thee!

I finally was able to order replacement ink for one of my vital skin tone markers and finish a piece. Oh, how good it felt to work in markers again!! Now having that color felt like a finger was broken or something. ^_^

I'm still working on that African Steampunk comic and here are the first character portraits of the main character (the one with the pipe) and a character that'll show up later. I won't mention plot right now, because I'm still working on certain points. Rest assured, it won't take me long.

Miss Clara Obijiwe, Gearmonger

The top prostitute in the capital city, seer and information broker

And now for something completely different: A random sketch

I just wanted to draw a wierd woman with a wierd weapon.

More art is on the way! Ja-ne!

About Me

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I have split personalities that all live in harmony. There is the cook, the writer, the singer, the dancer, the mother, the lover, and finally the artist. You never know who might be in charge from day to day. ^_^


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